Online Articles

Online Articles

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Date Title Author Topic
03/04/21 Motherhood Will Change Your Life Forever Rick Lanning Feed The Flock MOTHERHOOD_-_It_Will_Change_Your_Life_Forever.docx
03/02/21 A Line in The Sand- Choosing Your Battles With Your Children Rick Lanning Feed The Flock A_LINE_IN_THE_SAND_-_Choosing_Your_Battles_With_Your_Children.docx
03/01/21 Raising Teens- Avoiding the Twilight Zone Rick Lanning Feed The Flock RAISING_TEENS_-_Avoiding_The_Twilight_Zone.docx
03/01/21 Ambassadors and Arguments Rick Lanning Feed The Flock AMBASSADORS_and_ARGUMENTS.docx
03/01/21 Beethoven's 119th- How Shall The Young Secure Their Hearts Rick Lanning Feed The Flock BEETHOVEN_S_119th_-_How_Shall_The_Young_Secure_Their_Hearts.docx
02/23/21 Man's Greatest Achievement- One Giant Leap For Mankind Rick Lanning Feed The Flock MAN_S_GREATEST_ACHIEVEMENT_-_One_Giant_Leap_For_Mankind.docx
02/23/21 Anastasis- Jesus' Sleep Clinic Rick Lanning Feed The Flock ANASTASIS_-_Jesus__Sleep_Clinic.docx
02/22/21 Do Not Be Deceived- Satan's Ponzi Scheme Rick Lanning Feed The Flock BE_NOT_DECEIVED_-_Satan_s_Ponzi_Scheme.docx
02/22/21 Preaching's Reward- Seed To The Sower And Bread To The Eater Rick Lanning Feed The Flock PREACHING_S_REWARD_-_Seed_to_the_Sower___Bread_to_the_Eater.docx
02/18/21 Spend and Be Spent Rick Lanning Feed The Flock SPEND_AND_BE_SPENT_-_Illogical_Love.docx
02/18/21 Now That's Love- The Prince And The Princess Rick Lanning Feed The Flock NOW_THAT_S_LOVE_-_The_Prince___The_Princess.docx
02/17/21 A Legacy Rick Lanning Feed The Flock A_LEGACY.docx
02/09/21 The Gospel Preacher Rick Lanning Feed The Flock THE_GOSPEL_PREACHER_-_God_s_Calling___My_Thanks.docx
02/08/21 Faithful Prayer- The Warp And Woof Of My Life Rick Lanning Feed The Flock FAITHFUL_PRAYER_-_The_Warp_and_Woof_Of_My_Life.docx
02/03/21 Thousands Of Unwritten Books Rick Lanning Feed The Flock THOUSANDS_OF_UNWRITTEN_BOOKS_-_The_Greatest_Biography.docx
01/31/21 Endurance Rick Lanning Feed The Flock ENDURANCE_1_-_For_You_Have_Need_Of_Endurance.docx ENDURANCE_2_-_The_Christians_Marathon.docx ENDURANCE_3_-_Hopes_Endurance.docx ENDURANCE_4_-_Hang_In_There.docx ENDURANCE_5_-_We_Have_Only_To_Persevere.docx
01/31/21 Teachers Rick Lanning Feed The Flock TEACHER_1_-_The_Greatest_Word__Work_On_Earth.docx TEACHERS_2_-_The_Gift_of_Teaching.docx TEACHERS_3_The_Difference_One_Teacher_Makes.docx TEACHERS_4_-_Gifted_Hands.docx TEACHERS_5_-_Habits_of_Good_Bible_Teachers.docx
01/31/21 Think On These Things Rick Lanning Feed The Flock THINK_ON_THESE_THINGS_1_-_Conquering_Anxious_Thoughts.docx THINK_ON_THESE_THINGS_2_-_True_and_Noble.docx THINK_ON_THESE_THINGS_3_-_Just_and_Pure.docx THINK_ON_THESE_THINGS_4_-_Lovely_and_Commendable.docx THINK_ON_THESE_THINGS_5_-_Virtuous_and_Praiseworthy.docx
01/31/21 Living Fearless Rick Lanning Feed The Flock LIVING_FEARLESS_-_Faith_Over_Fear.docx
01/31/21 You Are the Light of the World Rick Lanning Feed The Flock YOU_ARE_THE_LIGHT_OF_THE_WORLD.docx
01/31/21 Membership Has Its Privileges Rick Lanning Feed The Flock MEMBERSHIP_HAS_ITS_PRIVILEGES.docx
01/31/21 A World Without the Bible Rick Lanning Feed The Flock A_WORLD_WITHOUT_THE_BIBLE_-_Holy_Message_Shining.docx
01/31/21 I Am a Holy Saint Rick Lanning Feed The Flock I_AM_A_HOLY_SAINT.docx
01/31/21 For Every Idle Word Rick Lanning Feed The Flock FOR_EVERY_IDLE_WORD_1_Our_Languages_Slipper_Slope.docx FOR_EVERY_IDLE_WORD_2_Your_7000_Words_Today.docx FOR_EVERY_IDLE_WORD_3_-_Euphemisms.docx FOR_EVERY_IDLE_WORD_4_-_Taking_The_Lords_Name_In_Vain.docx FOR_EVERY_IDLE_WORD_5_-_Trivial_Pursuit.docx
01/29/21 Words of Salvation (1-6) Rick Lanning Feed The Flock WORDS_OF_SALVATION_1_-_Saved_In_The_Nick_Of_Time.docx WORDS_OF_SALVATION_2_-_Reconciliation.docx WORDS_OF_SALVATION_3_-_Redemption.docx WORDS_OF_SALVATION_4_-_Justification.docx WORDS_OF_SALVATION_5_-_Propitiation.docx WORDS_OF_SALVATION_6_-_Sanctification_End_of_Construction.docx WORDS_OF_SALVATION_6_-_Sanctification_The_Cure_Has_Begun.docx WORDS_OF_SALVATION_6_-_Sanctification.docx

Displaying 126 - 150 of 287

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  1. Bible Study
    3/16/25 09:30am
  2. Worship
    3/16/25 10:30am
  3. Worship
    3/16/25 05:00pm
  4. Midweek Bible Study
    3/19/25 07:00pm
  5. Bible Study
    3/23/25 09:30am
  6. Worship
    3/23/25 10:30am
  7. Worship
    3/23/25 05:00pm
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