Online Articles

Online Articles

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Date Title Author Topic
09/30/20 Count Your Many Blessings Rick Lanning Feed The Flock BUT_IM_NOT_RICH_Part_2_Count_Your_Blessings.docx COUNT_YOUR_MANY_BLESSINGS.docx
09/30/20 The Blessing of Adversity Rick Lanning Feed The Flock THE_BLESSING_OF_ADVERSITY.docx
09/30/20 Ju Ju Umgawha Rick Lanning Feed The Flock JU_JU_UMGAWHA.docx
09/30/20 Fighting Satan at the Hot Gates Rick Lanning Feed The Flock FIGHTING_SATAN_AT_THE_HOT_GATES.docx
09/30/20 Deliver Us From the Evil One Rick Lanning Feed The Flock DELIVER_US_FROM_THE_EVIL_ONE.docx
09/30/20 Mothers Day Rick Lanning Feed The Flock MOTHERS_DAY.docx
09/30/20 Hear Ye It Is Midnight and All Is Well Rick Lanning Feed The Flock HEAR_YE_HEAR_YE_-_ITS_MIDNIGHT_AND_ALLS_WELL.docx
09/30/20 What Is Your Perspective Rick Lanning Feed The Flock WHATS_YOUR_PERSPECTIVE.docx
09/30/20 The Hardest Command in the Bible Rick Lanning Feed The Flock THE_HARDEST_COMMAND_IN_THE_BIBLE_part_1.docx THE_HARDEST_COMMAND_IN_THE_BIBLE_part_2_-_Stand_Down.docx THE_HARDEST_COMMAND_IN_THE_BIBLE_Part_3_Heap_Coals_of_Fire.docx
09/30/20 Stop and Smell the Roses Rick Lanning Feed The Flock Stop_and_Smell_the_Roses_by_Mike_Wilson_after_heart_attack.docx
09/30/20 You Will Be With Me In Paradise Rick Lanning Feed The Flock YOU_WILL_BE_WITH_ME_IN_PARADISE.docx
09/30/20 Like a Good Neighbor Rick Lanning Feed The Flock LIKE_A_GOOD_NEIGHBOR.docx
09/30/20 Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots Rick Lanning Feed The Flock SUMMER_SOLDIERS_and_SUNSHINE_PATRIOTS.docx
09/30/20 Hakuna Matata Rick Lanning Feed The Flock HAKUNA_MATATA.docx
09/30/20 You Raise Me Up Rick Lanning Feed The Flock YOU_RAISE_ME_UP.docx
09/30/20 The Common People Heard Him Gladly Rick Lanning Feed The Flock THE_COMMON_PEOPLE_HEARD_HIM_GLADLY.docx
09/30/20 A Healing Hearing Ministry Rick Lanning Feed The Flock A_HEALING_HEARING_MINISTRY.docx
09/30/20 Pay It Forward Rick Lanning Feed The Flock PAY_IT_FORWARD.docx
09/30/20 Spend and Be Spent Rick Lanning Feed The Flock SPEND_AND_BE_SPENT.docx
09/30/20 A House Divided Cannot Stand Rick Lanning Feed The Flock A_HOUSE_DIVIDED_CANNOT_STAND.docx
09/30/20 Righteousness Exalts A Nation Rick Lanning Feed The Flock RIGHTEOUSNESS_EXALTS_A_NATION.docx
09/30/20 If I Had One Wish Rick Lanning Feed The Flock IF_I_HAD_ONE_WISH.docx
09/30/20 Make A Wish Rick Lanning Feed The Flock MAKE_A_WISH.docx
09/30/20 Devil Becomes A Saint Rick Lanning Feed The Flock DEVIL_BECOMES_A_SAINT.docx
09/30/20 Upside Down and Inside Out Paradoxes Rick Lanning Feed The Flock UPSIDE_DOWN_-_Paradox_1_-_Losing_Is_Gaining.docx UPSIDE_DOWN_-_Paradox_2_-_Slavery_Is_Freedom.docx UPSIDE_DOWN_-_Paradox_3_-_Weakness_Is_Strength.docx UPSIDE_DOWN_-_Paradox_4_-_Last_Is_First.docx UPSIDE_DOWN_-_Paradox_5_-_Service_Is_Leading.docx

Displaying 201 - 225 of 287

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  1. Bible Study
    3/16/25 09:30am
  2. Worship
    3/16/25 10:30am
  3. Worship
    3/16/25 05:00pm
  4. Midweek Bible Study
    3/19/25 07:00pm
  5. Bible Study
    3/23/25 09:30am
  6. Worship
    3/23/25 10:30am
  7. Worship
    3/23/25 05:00pm
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